Thursday, June 26, 2008

Luckily, I don't have a Butt-in-the-Front...Yet!

Last night I was trying on some clothes that required a second opinion before throwing them into the Goodwill pile. Steve and I do this every few months because I have a serious problem holding onto clothes that are either from High School, have holes in them, or as Steve puts it, "just plain ugly". Why do I keep such things? Just in case ONE DAY they will come in handy - you know, for that camping trip when I shouldn't wear nice things, or because it was a gift from someone close to me and I will most definitely hurt their feelings if I don't keep it stuffed in the back of my closet for 5 years. Of course there's always that theme party that I MIGHT be invited to one of these days. Who am I kidding? I never get invited to parties, let alone THEME parties. Slowly, I am starting to look past the clothes and into the direction of practicality. In the last couple of weeks, I've been liberally throwing out clothes, and I must feels DAMN good!

So, back to last night. I was trying on these khaki pants from Express that I bought over a year ago for $15. I was thinking they'd be great work pants. BUT, I have never worn them. Not once. Every time I put them on I feel like a frumpy, overweight mom who hasn't let her husband see her naked in 6 years. Picture this: the balding hubby comes home after a 10 hour work day and catches a glimpse of his asexual, crotchbutt wife who is wiping their 8 year old autistic son's ass, and he thinks to himself, WHY ME?! THIS is exactly the type of woman I become when I put on these pants.

But, I wanted Steve's opinion, just in case I was completely wrong. I did a little spin for him, he liked what he saw from the back, and I asked what he thought about the crotch region. He said it didn't really look that bad, that I was imagining it. He suggested I keep them for work, until I pointed to my groin and said, "I just feel like there's so much room for a Butt-in-the-Front". Steve replied, "Sweetie, then maybe you should keep them for when you actually have one."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chicken Fried Bacon

This video is a Texas restaurant owner's attempt to make the world a little more corpulent. It convinces me that Texas is the worst place to live. And I thought Arkansas food was fattening...

Go watch!

Chicken Fried Bacon

Chicken Fried Bacon

Click on the link below or visit my "Blog Bits" section to the right. This video is a Texas restaurant owner's attempt to make the world a little more corpulent. It convinces me that Texas is the worst place to live. And I thought Arkansas food was fattening...

Go watch!

Chicken Fried Bacon

Monday, June 23, 2008

8 Foods You Should Eat Everyday

1. Spinach
2. Yogurt
3. Tomatoes
4. Carrots
5. Blueberries
6. Black Beans
7. Walnuts
8. Oats

8 Foods You Should Eat Everyday

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

I found this article very helpful. Once I get into my new place, I plan on having these foods stocked at all times. They all sound so yummy!

Friday, June 20, 2008


This week has been insane in terms of the weather here in San Luis Obispo. Today, the temperature reached 107 degrees! I came down with a pretty bad cold and called in sick to work today. I stayed home until 1:00, but couldn't stand the heat any longer (95 degrees inside my cottage!), so I dragged myself to my air conditioned office.

I am so annoyed that I am sick again because I wanted to spend the weekend relaxing. It's hard to relax when you have to blow your nose every 30 seconds and you're throat is so swollen it's hard to breathe. Not to mention it's impossible to sleep since the cottage has turned into a sauna and no matter where you go, there's no escaping the scorching heat.

Other than that, I've been incredibly busy all week. Work has been nuts, and I've stayed until almost 6:00 every day. And for those of you who know me, know that I NEVER work late if I don't absolutely have to. After work on Monday I spent all evening at the laundromat (hell!) Tuesday and Wednesday I went to the gym after work for a couple of hours. Steve taught me how to use some of the weight machines at the gym, so I've started a regular workout schedule. Last night I played volleyball with co-workers until 7, walked around Farmers Market feeling like shit, and went home to bed. I think my body is telling me to SLOW DOWN and stop doing so much.

This weekend I'm going to start packing up the cottage (if temperatures allow). Steve's getting a haircut tomorrow! I can hardly wait because his hair is almost as long as mine, and he is going to look OH so handsome when he get's it trimmed up!

Going to Catalina next weekend, so there will be more pictures and fun to post then.

Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll. It's time to BARACK AND ROLL!!!! Look for more polls to come!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

King Street Cottage!

I forgot to tell you! We signed our lease for our new place! We will be moving in on August 1st! Our condo is a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, laundry room, garage, fireplace, two balconys, and LOTS of closet space!! I am soooo excited. Steve said he is looking forward to it too because "it's the beginning of our life together" Awwwww isn't he great?! Yep! So, now when my lovely bisitors come, you will have your own bedroom and we can WALK DOWNTOWN! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Midwest Love

See that bulls-eye on the right? Yes, world's largest TARGET!!!! Minneapolis, MN. Came in handy when I needed to buy an umbrella. (That's for you MamaKathy!!)

View from my hotel in downtown Madison, WI. LOVE those trees.

Memorial Union Terrace, downtown Madison - where I would spend every day if I lived there.

Capital building of Wisconsin. I heart symmetry.

"FREE CONCERT" on the Monona Terrace, perfectly set between the lake and the view of the Capital. **Sigh** My kind of evening. I'm sold!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Back in Sunny California

Oh safe and sunny California, how I love thee. After a VERY bumpy landing into the San Luis airport, I made it home. HOME AT LAST! I spent all of Saturday snuggling and enjoying the warmth and sunshine of downtown SLO. Steve took me to see Sex and the City (since I have no more female friends here!) and then out to our home, Vienni Vai. Three glasses of wine later, I don't even remember crawling into bed.

Sunday, we slept in 'til 12:30 (HOORAY!) and spent a leisurely day in the grass at the park. It wasn't as peaceful as it sounds because we were surrounded by naughty kids, cussing, and picking fights with everyone around them. They peed in bushes, called a pregnant lady a fat bitch, told a woman that they didn't like her dress, and asked some mexican soccer kids if they knew how to speak English. And when the soccer ball accidentally crossed into jerk territory, they threw it into the garbage!!! I was in absolute disgust. When we stood up to leave, this little nappy-haired 12 year old girl yelled, "hey bitch! what are you doing with my boyfriend!?" Oh dear, remember those summer vacations as a pre-pubescent wanna-be punk? Yea, me neither.

Anyway, check out my new poll over on the right. VOTE! :) Thanks.
Pictures of my trip to come. PROMISE!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tornado Warning?

As I was enjoying my one hour of internet at the Milkwaukee International Airport, someone comes on the loudspeaker, "ATTENTION EVERYONE. There is a tornado approaching, please make your way to the lobby and stay away from windows and doors." All planes are grounded. The lobby is a madhouse. I am crouched on the floor next to a sleeping lady, and a tv giving updates of the storm. says: A tornado has been sighted in your area. Please take shelter immediately!! EEEK!

My flight leaves at 5:00. Hopefully by then the storm will have passed. But, let me tell you..I have never seen such black clouds in my life. Wish me luck! Hopefully you'll hear from me again soon!

Okay, I'm back at the gate waiting to board. The skies are clear and no harm was done. Hopefully the ride won't be bumpy! I'll be in Pheonix in a couple hours....then home. PHEW!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Made it to Madison, Wisconsin this morning. I have THE best view....old victorian buildings, Lake Mendota, and the University of Wisconsin. I took some pictures so I'll post them tonight. Right now I'm going to go out and site see while it's still daylight!


I just experienced one of the greatest big city moments ever. I started out on a walk to the Capital building and made my way to Starbucks for a yummy refreshment. I heard music nearby, so I decided to find out where it was coming from. Two blocks later, I saw a sign that said "FREE CONCERT 6-8pm" On the rooftop, overlooking the lake, was a rock band playing awesome cover songs. It was more than breathtaking. It's difficult to describe how it felt being on that terrance. I was alone, but never felt more at ease in the presence of music, beauty, warmth, amazing architecture, happiness, and friendly faces. Wonderfully lonely.

Pictures to come this weekend...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Almost done...

I am almost finished with the seminars at the conference. I am on a two hour break right now, and I have to go back at 5:00 for one more session on "Training games and activities" Whooo! YAY work.

I went to lunch by myself at a restaurant nearby. Although quite boring, it was actually satisfying and refreshing to sit there alone in the peace and quiet. I don't know why people are so worried about going out to eat by themselves. There is absolutely nothing humiliating about it.

Anyway, my mom and aunt came along with me on this trip, and it's been non-stop fun. In between all of my seminars and classes, we've managed to do a TON of shopping, eating, and drinking. The hotel is conveniently located next to Macy's, and two blocks from a million quaint restaurants. We drove to St. Cloud yesterday to visit my Great Aunt and Uncle. They just moved into a BRAND NEW one bedroom apartment with a washer/dryer, garage, walk-in closet, dishwasher, and patio... and when I asked about the rent, I nearly dropped dead. $650 including utilities! WHY is California so much more expensive?! I know I live by the beach, and it's usually sunny and warm, but COME ON! The more I travel, the more I feel completely ripped off.

Tonight we're going out for our last dinner and packing up. I leave early tomorrow morning to drive 4.5 hours to Madison, Wisconsin.

I am so anxious to get home and enjoy the weekend in the comfort of my home and my best friend. Two more days!

Minneapolis Update

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go to the concert. I talked myself out of trying because I decided it would be more fun sharing the experience with someone else who appreciated their music. I am going to look into California tickets as soon as I get home.

However, today I visited the MALL OF AMERICA!!! It's so big, it nearly has two of every store. There's also a theme park inside, and tons of restaurants. I didn't make it to too many stores because we only had two hours until closing, but I did find some great things at Nordstrom! So far I got new pajamas, four tops, a dress, three pairs of shoes, and some chocolate. EEK!

Tomorrow I go to the convention center from 10-6 for work. Fun fun, I know. It's midnite here, so more updates to come tomorrow...

Monday, June 02, 2008

Death Cab

So Death Cab for Cutie is playing two blocks from my hotel in two hours. I had no idea they were going to be in Minneapolis while I was here. I'm tempted to walk down to the box office and try to get a ticket, but I have a feeling it's not gonna happen. ROAR!!!!!!! I am pissed! How did I not check this out before?!?!?!?!

I just got their new album, Narrow Stairs, last week and it is absolutely fabulous. So good it takes my breath away. I have to see them sometime in my life, otherwise I will die an unsatisfied, miserable person.

They are playing June 21 in Berkeley....might just have to go then.
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