I thought I was lucky to get a job in SLO, so that I could still be with my best friends and call this beautiful place, "home", but now I am not 100% sold. On one hand, I am so thrilled that I get to be near my Tim while he finishes school. He is my world and I am 438438754 times more happy when he is around. Also, I found a decent paying job that will build my resume, and helloooo I get to live in San Luis Obispo! Then my mind wanders to a more pessimistic outlook...why can't I move away and go on a big life-altering adventure? I wanted to! I tried so hard getting into schools far away and applying for jobs all over California, but to no avail, I ended up here. I love going new places. I want to travel. I am not afraid of leaving home! So why am I the ONLY one staying?!
This leads me to the point that I believe everything happens for a reason. There must be a reason I am still in SLO while everyone I love is moving away from me - I guess I will find out someday. For now, I will try to be positive, and enjoy living here as much as I can. Tim and I want to find some sort of club to join...a salsa club perhaps. We kinda live in a town where if you don't go to college, there's no way to meet new people. Arggh...at least I have Tim, right? YES!
Anyway, I just want to tell everyone who is leaving (or has already left) that I hate you all. No, actually I love you and I am very proud and happy that everything is working out for everyone. I know in my heart that my dearest friends will stay that way forever. "Even though we are far apart, you will always be in my heart", yadda yadda and all those other mushy quotes about being away from those you love. I just please ask that you all keep in touch *cough myspace cough cough* and that you call me if you are ever lonely or sad, but mostly when you are happy so that I don't become even more depressed, thank you very much.
"The most important thing in life is creating loving relationships"
My Amazing Lovelies who I think about every day:
- Tylia - Genentech, Oceanside - I WILL live in San Diego one day my love
- Joanna - Grad student for athletic training in Arkansas- I WILL visit you!
- Shannon and Joe - the crazy couple...good luck in grad school in Oregon you nerds!
- Heather - Hawaii with your new hubby. ahh I hate that you are so far away, but thanks for picking an awesome place to visit!
- Rachel - I hope you don't become the little old lady from Pasadena, but I am glad you found a suitable first job at a hospital. You rock. I am coming to visit you...on your first day away. hahahaha I am soooo weak!!!!!! Does this mean we are too old to get drunk and dance? (please say no)
- Helya - :( please dont leave me. I am only okay with it because Jon is still here, so that means you HAVE to be here sometimes. I am SO happy for you though. I hope you love your new job, but mostly I hope you still let me whine to you about all of my problems.
- Jess - you said you are leaving in March...so until then, let's play!

My other friends who left me:
- Jay - Genentech Vacaville
- Dobber - Monterey farmer :)
- Brie - grad school in Texas
- Michelle - grad school UCSB
- Pf - Texas Instruments! TX
- Alissa - Washington DC
- Jon - still in UCLA ;)
- my new friend Scott- you're lame for going North! (and leaving Rach)
"The things that are worth it are never easy"
Don't be sad because guess what? I got a new car! A Mercury Mariner SUV. All white with tan interior..I'll post pictures soon. :)
Tim and I are going to Tahoe for labor day weekend
Vegas the weekend after that. :)
So my life isn't completely bad.