Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I am a professional hoop jumper

Once again, I am back to the books. I am taking my fourth environmental engineering course at Cal Poly and this time its an easy peasy class that has the same title as my job but with "for engineers" on the end of it. I chose this class because a) it will be relatively stress free, b) I'll probably learn at least one thing useful c) the units will go towards my masters degree, and d) its during lunchtime so I don't have to miss much work!

Nerd alert! Look at that organized list! That's how my life is planned out in my head, BTW.

Okay, all of that sounds very simple and matter-of-fact right? Well, we are in the second week of the quarter and I still have not officially registered for the class. They make it nearly impossible for an outsider to take a class at CP. I am enrolled through the Continuing Education system so I have to follow a special set of rules with a special application and lots of wonderfully special hoops!!

First, I have to wait until school starts before I find out if I can get into the class. By this point, most of the classes are completely full with huge waiting lists. This quarter I was interested in three classes and got my second choice, not bad. So, on the first day I showed up to class, hoping and praying that the instructor would let me in. Meanwhile, poor Steve is waiting just off campus to hear if he should come back and pick me up or not. Luck was on my side that day because the class got moved to a larger classroom so he was able to accept more wait-listers. Also lucky (smart) that I picked a class with a professor that already knew me, so my chances were even better. I was in!

Second, the instructor must sign the application form. But of course it doesn't end there. Now, I have to get the Dean to sign the form. A dean that I have never spoken to before, nor do I think even exists. But, this is my fourth class, so I am good at this process now, right?. All I have to do is go to the ENVE office and have the secretary take the form, have the Dean sign it and they'll send it to the Continuing Education dept.!WRONG. Steve picks me up from class and we have to drive around campus through the hoards of students (its 2:00 on a Tuesday - prime class time) so it takes about 20 minutes to get to the ENVE building. Steve waits hesitantly (and annoyed, rightfully so) in the staff parking lot while I hobble (yes my foot is still not working) up to the office. The secretary says that now I have to take the form to the advising center to have it signed. Building 40 far far far far away from this building. So I run (gallop) back to the car and all I can do is huff and puff and clench my fists at that ENVE lady in that damn ENVE office.

So, after the terrible time trying to navigate the car through campus, today I decide that I am going to just suck it up and buy a parking permit for the quarter so that Steve doesn't have to stress. Getting a parking permit is not so easy either. I attempted their new online purchasing tool, but the Universe hates me so "error! error!!" popped up and it wouldn't let me buy the dang permit. Okay, breathe. Plan B: I'll just go to the police office to buy the permit today at lunch. But, I will need some change to park at the meter near the office. Wallet, empty! Change from Steve, check! Permit, check! (Oh, and no credit cards accepted, thanks! Thank god I brought my checkbook with me today otherwise this post would have been drizzled with blood!)

Since they conveniently closed off the center of campus to vehicle traffic, it is now an all day event to get to where I need to be to get the damn signature! I finally park, feed more money into the meter, (because using my new permit is impossible when I'm in a hurry on my lunch break and have a hurt foot - any available parking at this point would be far, far, far, I mean like BFE. So, meter it is!) and I'm on my trek up the hill to the advising center. Ah, finally.

Now, all I have to do is go back on Friday to pick up the signed application and take it to the Continuing Education building to pay! Ay dios mio, the hoops just keep on comin'!

Sidenote: They completely re-did the UU plaza. It looks AWESOME. And there's quaint patio seating and music blasting over speakers, and frozen yogurt and a giant salad bar at the Avenue! Oh, to be young again.

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