Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Favorites - Roomba!

Steve surprised me with a ROOMBA! (yes I am going to use CAPS and exclamation points whenever I mention it) when it came on Woot! last week and boy oh boy was I happy!!!! Who woulda thunk one would get so happy over a vacuum cleaner?? Well, this is not just ANY vacuum cleaner. It is a ROBOT and it cleans my floors by itself! My ROOMBA! is the maid I've always wanted! I've been curious about this machine and figured it probably didn't work well, but it didn't let me down! The ROOMBA! is heaven sent for four reasons:
  1. It sweeps the kitchen and vacuums the carpet, giving me time to do other chores.
  2. It keeps me company while I am doing those other chores. Yes, it's my new pal!
  3. It does an excellent job cleaning - the carpets looked better after the ROOMBA than with my regular vacuum and all of the crumbs were picked up in the kitchen - even the corners!
  4. It is magical and super smart and knows where to go and what to do and where its home is.
Thank you Billy for my new favorite toy and cleaning buddy!

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