Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wild West

Waaay back in June I tagged along on a girls weekend getaway to San Francisco. I joined a group of amazingly fun, dynamic women who my aunt Cathy is very lucky to have in her life.

Cast of Characters:
  • My beloved Mom. That's her with the smirk. After a few glasses of wine my mom ran up a quintessential San Francisco hill (you know, the ones where your calves ache and your thighs burn after a few steps!) back to our hotel at the very tip-top of nob hill, laughing the whole way (one of my favorite sounds). She knows how to have a good time. She also knows where to get really soft towels, even if it means we have to trek 30 minutes by taxi through the chaos of Gay Pride to the most random Restoration Hardware museum store.  Worth it. I loved walking arm and arm with my mom in the city.

  • I met Robin (in the white on the right) for the first time on this trip and she is the "sweet" one of the group. Robin is a breath of fresh air. She has chickens and pretty hair. I didn't mean for that to rhyme, but it did and I am going with it. I like Robin because she reminded me about wine spritzers which am very fond of. 
  • My aunt Cathy, beautiful in blue. She is one of the most loving and gentle people I know. She also has good taste in shoes and led us all to the Ugg store in Union Square where we spent over an hour oohing and ahhing over the softest and most stylish shoes made just for people like me who have bunyon-y, hammer toe-y, wide, aching feet (sexy!). I think we made their sales quota for the day! Cathy knows how to keep us ladies happy - chocolate for everyone!!!!!
  • Dorothy, waving above, aunt Cathy's side-kick and adopted family. I have enjoyed her company in many a big city (NY, Seattle, SF, LA). I love Dorothy. She is truly talented when it comes to making conversation. She can talk to strangers, long-time friends, new friends, kids, old farts, homeless people...she will find something to talk to you about. My topic of choice: celebrity gossip and the latest Bachelor and Bachelorette drama. Or shoes, purses, make-up, travels, Dorothy is a wealth of knowledge and I adore her for that. I also adore her for buying me a glass of wine during intermission at the Once musical while I was waiting for the single teeny tiny bathroom along with a gajillion other people.
  • Lynn Shaw is oh-so-lovely (she is in bright green below).  Lynn is the person who others can count on. She makes really yummy artichokes, has the cutest backyard, and her legs are longer than my entire being. I have spent some time with Lynn on several trips and the best part about traveling with Lynn is she is so easy-going. She will go anywhere, do anything, eat anywhere, without complaint. I also think Lynn is awesome because she watches Bachelor.
  • I have known my aunt Cathy for almost 31 years and I have heard the name "Lynn Dupree" 245,593 times. That's almost 8000 times a year you guys. My aunt must love Lynn Dupree an awful lot! And finally, after 31 years, I have met THE Lynn Dupree!! I met her in April and come June it felt like I truly knew her for years. Lynn is hip. Lynn hears good music and promptly gets up to kind of gal. I am especially thankful for Lynn on this trip because she gave me the key to her room so I could poo in private (I wasn't too keen on the open bathroom concept).

  • Susie is a hoot. She is the person who is ready with a glass of wine when you walk in. Susie makes the most out of each moment. She is boisterous in a cheerful way, and her love of life is contagious. One of my favorite memories growing up was going swimming at Susie's house in Folsom - I will never forget it as the energy there was always so happy. I bet you can tell which one Susie is below.

  • My aunt Lisa and cousin Charisma came into the city for dinner and to see Once. Seeing them is always a treat and this was especially neat to watch a musical together in the city. A unique Mother-Daughter experience. My favorite relationships are those where time or distance doesn't get in the way of really loving each other. We can go many months without seeing Lisa and her family, but when we get together, it's like not a second has gone by. We get right back talking over wine about the latest birthday bash, concert anecdotes, dance recitals, and being together is very, very warm.

Thanks to all of you ladies for including me in such a fun weekend. I love that you all adore my aunt Cathy so much and take care of her :) Looking forward to the next wild weekend!

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