Tuesday, February 28, 2012


February is almost over and I have yet to update you all with my resolutions! I've been super busy this month with the new job, but I've squeezed in a few minutes here and there to make progress with February's goals!!

Use freezer food at least twice a month
We had some friends over for dinner last week and I used some of our frozen peaches from our tree for a peach pie! I've also focused on using meat from the freezer before buying fresh from the store. I used up some frozen chicken, frozen pork chops, and frozen lobster. I also thawed out some delicious bread that my Grandpa brought us for Thanksgiving. It's a rye bread that his friend made and boy o boy it was delicious!! 

Make lunch 4x per week
I've been trying to get more creative with my lunches instead of having turkey sandwiches every day. (Pinterest is a good place for lunch inspiration). A couple of times this month I switched up the normal lunch completely and did a day of snacks. I threw in tons of stuff like almonds, cheese and crackers, cuties, apples, bananas, granola bars, and more. Personally, I like this kind of "lunch" because I can snack on healthy things all day instead of filling up on a big meal. I have also tried to use leftovers for lunch...steak sandwiches, salads, oatmeal for Steve, etc. 

Streamline Bank Accounts
Steve and I have several different bank accounts - some joint, some single, and we thought it might be wise to consolidate a bit and get the most out of the savings account with the highest interest rate. I think one of the most important things about saving money is to make sure a) you're making as much money in interest as you can and b) your account is secure. There are a lot of identity theft issues, scanners, and credit card fraud these days. Regular monitoring, checking online accounts, and checking your credit report a few times a year is a good idea (once a year is FREE at www.freecreditreport.com...use it!)

Check in on 401k
On the list.

Indulge in a modest splurge
We are finally getting a new couch!! A comfy, cozy, big couch for pure relaxation and enjoyment!!! I'll post pictures when we get it. 

Buy needful things
See above + I bought a few organizational supplies for the office and bathroom (like baskets and trays). 

Give something up
I think the only thing I gave up this month was blogging!! ONLY because of my lack of time! Seriously, every moment has been filled with work, talking about work, thinking about work, working out, working at home doing chores, working at being horizontal on the couch, or workin' it! Ideally, I would like to give up an unhealthy habit like The Bachelor, but that ain't gonna happen!


March is coming at me like a freight train and I am crossing my fingers that I get a lot of my work life in order and manageable so that I can lighten up in April!!

A few good things before I go:
  • Just went to my best-friend-since-the-third-grade's baby shower on Sunday and pretty much fell in love with pregnant bellies and all things girly. 
  • We're celebrating my grandpa's 80th birthday in May in Lake Havasu along with my cousin's high school graduation which is going to be FILLED with relaxation and laughter and probably lots of good food!
  • We will be traveling to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in June for my Rogers family reunion! Looking forward to seeing all of the cousins and new babies and lounging on the beach with my nose in a good book.
  • I booked my flight to NYC for my pre-30th birthday bash in October and I cannot be more thrilled about a vacation! It's not even spring yet and I can already smell the crisp fall air of Central Park! 
  • I am back to brunette!!

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