Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good News!

In between being crazy and ranty, I've been BUSY! Here's some HAPPY news:
  • We've finished painting the guest room, and instead of painting all four walls, we've decided to put up some grass cloth on one wall...its going to be a sweet sanctuary in there. And tonight Steve put in two new recessed ceiling lights. He learned how to wire them, cut out holes in the ceiling, and put in a dimmer. He is the most awesome guy on earth!!
  • I'm getting my dress altered in LA this weekend and squeezing in some girl time with three of my maids!
  • We officially booked our trip to Japan. 7 days and 8 nights in Roppongi, Tokyo! Woot woot!
  • I've been going to the gym three nights a week for the past two months and I am getting seriously ripped. Watch out!
  • Steve's parents were here last weekend and they helped us clean up the yard a bit. It looks gorgeous after the rain. We also planted 200 succulents for the wedding!! The best thing about Steve's parents coming is that they bring us a TON of home-made goodies. My favorite is Zucchini Chocolate bread. Sounds weird, but it is HEAVEN. Steve's step-dad even made me a gorgeous cobalt blue cake stand and a scrap jar for the compost bin.
  • We're painting the office next: ORANGE!
Before and after pictures of our guest room to come soon!

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