Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Real life love.

July - Marriage

  • Don't sweat the small stuff
  • Have one official "date night" per month
  • Week of Extreme Nice
  • Help Steve in the yard
  • Patience!
I couldn't be happier with our marriage. We hardly ever argue, especially when I am biting my tongue over those Cheerios on the ground or hat not hung up. Some things I don't understand when it comes to MEN. Like, how come they feel the need to leave their socks lying around? And why is it that they don't want to put anything into drawers? I will never understand, but I can try to find solutions. Steve tends to leave his dirty and/or gently worn clothes on the floor next to his side of the bed. There is a dresser one foot away, but the only thing that dresser collects is dust. So, I asked Steve if it would be easier for him if I put a hamper right next to that dresser so he can toss the dirty clothes in there, and then hang hooks on the back of the door so he can hang his clean stuff there. He said he'd give it a shot. Well, that simple solution worked. No more clothes on the floor! 

Steve and I spend a lot of time together, but he is generous in giving me time with my girlfriends. In July, I spent two weekends in a row down in Southern California and he didn't even hesitate letting me go. Not that he "let" me go, but you know what I mean. Even if we don't go out on an official date, we spend every evening together. We eat dinner together every night and we get at least a few minutes of tv and cuddle time in on the couch. It must be his month of marriage too because he sat through the entire 3 hour-long Bachelorette finale with me. I don't know what else screams true love like that. We went on a real a date to Art after Dark last week and we are going to see Peppino at Castoro Cellars next weekend! 

I have shown more patience over the bathroom remodel than I ever thought I was capable of. And I learned, the less you nag, the more progress is made! It seems simple, but it's true. I mentioned a deadline once and all progress halted. After a couple of weeks, I zipped my lips and things got back on track! A lesson well learned!

Steve is my soulmate. He laughs with me when I am acting weird. He acts weird right along side me. He tells me he loves me every day. He tells me when I have boogers in my nose and when I look like a lion. Real love.

We were talking about the 5 Love Languages with our friends Michael and Maren recently, and I knew right away which languages we were. Can you guess?
  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Receiving gifts
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch 
My love language is definitely TOUCH. Not one single night has gone by that Steve hasn't held me. And every morning we give each other big, warm embraces as we are getting ready for the day. He rubs my back, kisses my neck, and holds my hand every chance he get. He definitely speaks my love language!! Steve's language is acts of service. He feels the most love when I do things for him like when I help him in the yard, when I make him dinner, when I cut his hair! Which I did during the Week of Extreme Nice!

Next up is a two-monther on pursuing my passions. More blogging, more photography, DIY projects, and cooking! If you see more blog posts over the next two months you will know I am HAPPY!

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